LOCAL 2067
Officers and Representatives
Updated On: Jun 26, 2024

We make Salem Happen

Over 600 employees of the City of Salem make up Local 2067 of the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME). We are administrative assistants, building inspectors, accountants, custodial workers, IT programmers, engineering technicians, water operators, library assistants and more. Dedicated to building a thriving community, we provide the essential services that make Salem happen.

AFSCME Local 2067 is one of many locals under Oregon AFSCME Council 75, the Oregon affiliate of the AFSCME International, based in Washington DC. AFSCME International is made up of 1.6 million members.

Local 2067 is governed by a Constitution and a Policy and Procedures Manual.

Who to contact

Union representation: Contact Chief Steward, Hannah Bostrom, 971-304-6145. If you are a City of Salem Employee with an employment issue and want union representation, contact the Chief Steward right away.

General union questions or concerns: Contact President, Steve Hall503-551-4282

Business or nonprofits:  Contact our main office at 800-521-5954 or 503-370-2522

Executive officers 

President: Steve Hall

Vice President: Hannah Bostrom

Treasurer: DeeDee Jacks 

Secretary: Tami Patterson 

Sargeant at Arms: Raquel Bazan

Executive Board 

Robin Jennings 

Wayne Dalziel 

Chris Wolfe


Joe Flake 

Ross Johnston

Jeremy Bible


Hannah Bostrom - Chief Steward

Neil Dozler - Fleet Services

Robin Jennings - PW Utilities

Louie Bevilacqua - Willow Lake

Kathy Knock - IT

Communications Specialist 

Veronica Rodriquez - Enterprise Services

Membership Action Team (MAT) Coordinator

Jodi Vanderwall, Airport

Council 75 Representative 

Rolando Figueroa

Contact Info
AFSCME Local 2067
1400 Tandem Avenue NE
Salem, OR 97301

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